Heart-Mind Online Explores Human Connection in a Digital World

Heart-Mind 2015 is just around the corner and this October 2-3, we'll be exploring the theme of Human Connection in a Digital World. Heart-Mind Online has a number of resources that help those who care for and about children to foster social interaction in a fast-paced, technology driven world. Below are just a few and you can find more at heartmindonline.org

Eat Together Contest for Schools

Research indicates that almost one third of families eat together less than twice a week. This comes with both social and academic consequences. What happens when a school district, health authority, municipal government and other community partners come together to encourage families to foster connection through the seemingly simple act of eating together?

Tips to Stay Involved with Youth Online Communication

Snapchat, Instagram, Whisper, Twitter, Vine…online trends change rapidly. Teens and tweens use social media to communicate with peers naturally and with ease. Meanwhile, their parents can feel mystified by the technology and may wonder how to possibly understand this virtual world. Amori Mikami, Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia and Heart-Mind 2015 presenter, offers five tips on how parents can stay involved and aware of their teenagers’ online social communication.

What's fun for your teen? Do that!

Are you looking for ways to stay connected and strengthen your relationship with a teen? One tactic is to try and find things you both like to do. When parents share in something an adolescent likes, they get to know them better, and the relationship becomes more relaxed.


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