2015 Mindfulness Research Conference

Interact with the leading researchers on mindfulness to promote child well-being and hear about their cutting-edge research and programs.
We have already started putting together an exciting program. Below is the list of presenters, so far. Check back for updates.


Adele Diamond, Ph.D., University of British Columbia
Research Insights into Promoting the Well-Being of Children and their Families
See Dr. Diamond's recent TEDx talk: 

Closing Address


Robert Roeser, Ph.D., Portland State University

Reflections on the Research on Mindfulness and Compassion


Invited Panels


Mindfulness in Communities Experiencing Trauma


Rony Berger, Ph.D., Ben Gurion University, Tel Aviv University

Enhancing Resiliency and Cultivating Compassion in Youth



Molly Cevasco, M.Ed., BCBA, University of Washington

Promoting Mindfulness for Diverse Populations



Bonnie Duran, Dr.P.H., University of Washington

Mindfulness in Indian Country— Working with the Legacy of Colonization 



Cultivating Mindfulness with High-Risk Youth

Jacinda Dariotis, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati & Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Student and Teacher Qualitative Perspectives on a School-Based Mindfulness and Yoga Program



Amy Eva, Ph.D., Seattle University

Learning to Breathe: A mindfulness-based curriculum to support at-risk youth




Kevin King, Ph.D., University of Washington

The Effects of Mindfulness-based Relapse Prevention in a Juvenille Justice Setting



Mindfulness in Parenting


Barbara Burns, Ph.D., Santa Clara University

Promoting Resilience in Young Children Through Parenting: A Pilot Study



Larissa Duncan, Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco

The role of self-compassion in mindful parenting: A pilot RCT of the Listening Mothers program




Jessica Sommerville, Ph.D., University of Washington

The Impact of Parental Mindfulness Training on Infant Prosociality



Practice Workshop


Sharon Stanley, Ph.D., Somatic Transformation

Healing Trauma through Relationship: Mindfulness of Neural and Emotional Cues

Poster session for networking and sharing cutting edge research and practice


This meeting will bring together researchers and practitioners whose work promotes the well-being of children and families through mindfulness.  The latest research findings and their applications will be presented, with rich opportunities for networking and discussion. The focus is on advancing the science of mindfulness to enhance children’s, parents', caregivers', educators' and practitioners' empathy, compassion, and self-regulation, and supporting caregivers’ stress-management, responsiveness, and consistency in their interactions with children, enhancing children’s well-being.

Questions? Please contact Kristina Ponischil at [email protected] or 206-221-8508