Documentary Wants to Follow You to the Vancouver Peace Summit

Are you a Vancouver resident planning on or interested in attending the Vancouver Peace Summit in September 2009? Are you looking for ways of bringing more peace and compassion into your own life? Do you hope that the Summit can provide answers and inspiration on how to do this?
Caché Film and Television, in association with CTV, is seeking four people interested in attending one of the Vancouver Peace Summit’s four dialogues, featuring Nobel Laureates, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Jodi Williams, Mairead Maguire and Betty Williams.
Email us your picture, a one-page letter, and/or a link to a Youtube video (maximum 3 minutes) telling us your reasons for wanting to attend the Vancouver Peace Summit and which speakers you would look forward to hearing from. Tell us about yourself; your home life, your job, your school, etc. Are you attempting to bring peace and compassion to your family, your place of work, your community, or is there perhaps a more personal path to peace you are trying to embark on?
We look forward to hearing from you!
Email your pics, bios and/or video links to:

[email protected]


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